Have you ever done a search on Google for ‘Plumber Near Me’ and noticed the results showing a list of plumbers close to you? Your business needs a local listing for your customers to find you in the same manner.
Create & Optimize Google Business Listing
Google My Business lets you post updates to showcase what’s new, respond to reviews to build loyalty and add photos to highlight what makes your business special.
Additionally, Google My Business can aid businesses in boosting their local SEO ranking with the search engine.
We will help you create this listing and optimize all the information you need to fill out to get your listing found when customers search for your business.
Google My Business is a free tool offered by Google for business owners to manage how their information is listed in the search. With Google My Business, you can manage your location on Google maps, the knowledge graph, and online reviews.
Whether you already have a website or not, within Google My Business, their tools allow for an additional website within the local listing. We will help you create and optimize the website.
Please note: Verification is done by GMB: they send a code on a postcard in 5-14 days to your real address. Upon receiving the code we finalize the process for you. Also, sometimes GMB verifies by phone or SMS.
Creation & Customization
We will quality set up your Google My Business account with Local SEO Optimization
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